[Book] 我可能錯了:森林智者的最後一堂人生課
它書名後面還有很長的 【瑞典每30人就1人閱讀.韓國2022讀者最愛年度之書】
這是這一期 PyCon Taiwan 讀書會讀的書
也許連這點都想到了,才是真正的融會貫通這本書了呢 😉
它書名後面還有很長的 【瑞典每30人就1人閱讀.韓國2022讀者最愛年度之書】
這是這一期 PyCon Taiwan 讀書會讀的書
也許連這點都想到了,才是真正的融會貫通這本書了呢 😉
簡單記錄一下之前使用 Neovim 遇到的套件問題
A few weeks ago, I submitted #38674 to airflow to Airflow, which was later selected as the PR of the month. (Thanks, Kaxil, for the nomination!)
The last time I came to PyCon US. I had quite a good time during the development sprint and had a few of my PRs merged. (even though the one to CPython was later closed 🥲) So yep, I think this might be a good idea to host a development sprint for commitizen-tools. 👀
就像上次的github actions 上遇到的
原本跑得好好的 CI pipeline 又又又死掉了
上週六感謝源來適你邀請我到社群線上分享 Airflow
好久沒有準備超過 10 分鐘的分享了 😱