Play with the latest Airflow 3.0.0 alpha 1!
I mean alpha 2...
As announcements in the Airflow dev mailing list, 📢 Apache Airflow 3.0.0apha1 is available for testing! 🎉 📢 Apache Airflow 3.0.0apha2 is available for testing! 🎉
AIP-83 - Rename execution_date -> logical_date and remove unique constraint
DAG 即將走入歷史
最近要 review 幾個 AIP-83 的 pull requests
避免 review 的時候搞不清楚狀況
AIP-72 - Task Execution Interface aka Task SDK
Airflow 的 task 要支援 Python 以外的語言了!
以後 Flyte 不能再以這點嘴 Airflow 了 😆