Play with the latest Airflow 3.0.0 alpha 1!
I mean alpha 2...

Category Tech

As announcements in the Airflow dev mailing list, πŸ“’ Apache Airflow 3.0.0apha1 is available for testing! πŸŽ‰ πŸ“’ Apache Airflow 3.0.0apha2 is available for testing! πŸŽ‰

Here are some of the remarkable features listed in the mail

  • Dag versioning & Bundles (AIP-63)
    • Some projects highlight concerns about Airflow's lack of dag versioning. We now have it, haha!
  • Modern Web Application (AIP-38)
  • Task Execution Interface (AIP-72)
  • Data Assets & Asset-Centric Syntax (AIP-73)
  • External Event-Driven Scheduling (AIP-82)

This post won’t demonstrate any of these features but will serve as a quick guide for setting up the testing environment.

The reason I highlighted Asset is definitely not because I contributed a considerable amount to this feature.

Install Airflow 3.0.0 alpha1 for testing

uv is likely the simplest way for you to test. As it has yet to be uploaded to PyPI, we could use the command provided in the mail. I set the Python version to 3.12 since 3.13 (my default python setup) is not yet supported by Airflow

uv venv --python 3.12

uv pip install \
    --find-links \
    apache-airflow==3.0.0a2 \
    apache-airflow-task-sdk==1.0.0a2 \
    apache-airflow-providers-standard==0.1.0a2 \
    apache-airflow-providers-fab==2.0.0a2 \

As for the minimum Python version that Airflow 3 will support, there's an ongoing discussion Airflow 3 min python version to 3.10 early? so I guess it will be 3.10 (?)

Quick setup

I will only use the easiest airflow standalone command for testing. It's probably not something you want to try out in production. But Airflow 3.0.0 alpha2 is not for production either; we're good.

export AIRFLOW_HOME=`pwd`

uv run airflow db migrate
uv run airflow standalone

If everything works fine, you should to able to find airflow.db, airflow.cfg, standalone_admin_password.txt, and other files.

Now go to your browser and open http://localhost:8080.
Use admin as the username and the content of the file standalone_admin_password.txt as the password to log in.

Then, you'll see the familiar Airflow 2 homepage.


Let's click the "Check it out now" link and we'll find



If you look at the URL, it goes to http://localhost:29091/webapp. Out of curiosity, I changed it to http://localhost:9091/webapp, and the new UI is here.


Breeze (Airflow's local development tool) uses port 28080 as the homepage. So... the counterpart of 29091 would probably be 9091, and it turns out that I'm right.

It's now tracked by issue "Check it out" link to New UI does not work #46514.

In the new UI, you can find a Legacy UI button on the left-hand side.


After you click it, you'll find out it does not work either, and that's why I created the issue "Legacy UI" button in New UI does not work #46516.

Now you're ready to test all the new features. Please create an issue if you encounter any bugs.

But... if you want to test Airflow 3 with an existing airflow.cfg or some legacy dags, you come to the right place!

Tools that help you migrate to Airflow 3

airflow.cfg - "airflow config lint"

We introduce a lint sub-command to airflow config.

uv run airflow config lint

This command tells you what configuration has been removed or moved somewhere else. It also detected environment variables and whatever will be loaded into Airflow. Check Setting Configuration Options for details.

If you follow the examples above, it comes with a default airflow.cfg. After running the command above, you'll see

Found issues in your airflow.cfg:
  - Removed deprecated `cookie_samesite` configuration parameter from `webserver` section.
  - `dag_dir_list_interval` configuration parameter moved from `scheduler` section to `dag_processor` section as `refresh_interval`.

Please update your configuration file accordingly.

Even Airflow has not migrated to Airflow 3 yet.


Issue Legacy configuration not removed or updated #46517 was also created.

Dags - ruff >= 0.95

Yep, this is the ruff you know (or probably should know). Recently, we added more Airflow rules (with code AIR) to ruff. The ones that start with 3 (i.e., AIR301, AIR302, AIR302) are those that help you migrate to Airflow 3.0.

Given the following legacy dag

from airflow import dag
from airflow.datasets import Dataset

from airflow.sensors.filesystem import FileSensor

def air_301_dag():

@dag(schedule_interval="0 * * * *")
def air_302_dag():

def air_303_dag():
    FileSensor(task_id="wait_for_file", filepath="/tmp/temporary_file_for_testing")

You can run the following comment

uv pip install "ruff>=0.9.5"
uv run ruff check dags/ --preview --select AIR301,AIR302,AIR303

and get the following error message

dags/ AIR301 DAG should have an explicit `schedule` argument
7 | @dag()
  |  ^^^^^ AIR301
8 | def air_301_dag():
9 |     pass

dags/ AIR302 [*] `schedule_interval` is removed in Airflow 3.0
12 | @dag(schedule_interval="0 * * * *")
   |      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AIR302
13 | def air_302_dag():
14 |     pass
   = help: Use `schedule` instead

dags/ AIR302 `airflow.datasets.Dataset` is removed in Airflow 3.0
17 | @dag(schedule=Dataset("test"))
   |               ^^^^^^^ AIR302
18 | def air_303_dag():
19 |     FileSensor(task_id="wait_for_file", filepath="/tmp/temporary_file_for_testing")
   = help: Use `airflow.sdk.definitions.asset.Asset` instead

dags/ AIR303 `airflow.sensors.filesystem.FileSensor` is moved into `standard` provider in Airflow 3.0;
17 | @dag(schedule=Dataset("test"))
18 | def air_303_dag():
19 |     FileSensor(task_id="wait_for_file", filepath="/tmp/temporary_file_for_testing")
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^ AIR303
   = help: Install `apache-airflow-provider-standard>=0.0.2` and use `airflow.providers.standard.sensors.filesystem.FileSensor` instead.

Found 4 errors.
[*] 1 fixable with the `--fix` option.

If you find anything missing regarding migration tooling, please comment on Airflow 2 to 3 auto migration rules #41641. This is the root issue where we try to track everything related to migration rules.

Why does the title look so weird

Well... this post was supposed to be published on Thursday. It was still alpha1. Then, alpha2 was released around the Airflow 3.0 dev call. It's midnight where I am, so... I can't really attend. Sleep is important. Staying up is bad.


If you're curious about why sleep is important, I recommend reading [Book] 為什麼要睑覺 (Why We Sleep), one of my favorite books. I probably should re-read it as well...

But the truth is, this is just another excuse of mine; I simply couldn't finish the post this quickly. πŸ˜† Just like my PEP 735 digest. The PEP was still in draft status when I wrote it. Now that the PEP is final, my digest still hasn't been published yet. πŸ₯²
