AIP-83 - Rename execution_date -> logical_date and remove unique constraint
DAG 即將走入歷史

Category Tech

最近要 review 幾個 AIP-83 的 pull requests
避免 review 的時候搞不清楚狀況

雖然這篇文發出來的時候, AIP-83 應該已經快完成了

TP 寫的 AIP-83 其實蠻精練的
我用 Kindle 劃線註記的時候,都快把整篇畫起來了
(鄉野傳說說是一篇文章的 10 分之 1)
第一次知道 Kindle 有這種限制,雖然蠻合理的


自從有了 DagRun.run_id,不需要 exeuciton_date 來分辨 dag run 了
可以移除 exeuciton_date 的 unique constraint
而且這個名字常常很誤導人,所以可以把它改名成 logical date



  • Before the DagRun concept was introduced, Airflow used execution_date to distinguish dag runs, which is no longer needed


  • How task instances look up dag runs now
flowchart LR task-instance --run_id--> DagRun


  • database migration
    • rename execution_date as logical_date
    • remove the unique constraint
  • executiion_date needs to be removed in
    • arguments in Python functions
    • REST API
    • task execution context
  • logical date can be shown in UI for humans to distinguish dag runs (not technically unique)
  • Generation of run_id should no longer rely on logical_date

Compatibility and Migration

  • what might break
    • log templates
      • configurations task_log_prefix_template and log_filename_template
    • custom configured template that still uses execution_date


整理這次的筆記時,我有盡量避免用到大寫的 DAG (Dag is fine though)
自從Airflow should deprecate the term "DAG" for end users的討論
Airflow 社群決定把讓 Airflow dag 跟 directed acyclic graph 脫鉤
dag 自此之後就是一個 Airflow 的自創名詞
Airflow 3.0 也透過 Rename DAG to Dag in new UI #43325 把這件事從 UI 上改掉了

dag ✅
Dag ✅

恩,副標題「DAG 即將走入歷史」跟 AIP-83 本身完全無關
