[Paper] Understanding Personality through Social Media
Main Purpose: To see how linguistic features correlate with each personality trait.
More than Just Echo Bot
知道怎麼實作一個會 Echo 的 Bot 後
再來就要思考,開發一個 Bot 我們要提供什麼功能
(e.g., 天氣查詢, 訂票, 推薦旅遊景點)
不過這裡要討論的不是 Bot 的功能
Bot 的功能實作,跟一般網站或 App 的實作並沒有太大的差別
[Paper] Mining Online Social Data for Detecting Social Network Mental Disorders
This paper proposes a model named SNMDD to detect Social Network Mental Disorder (SNMD) through users' behaviors on online social networks (OSN) instead of asking their mental condition.