1. Introduction
Problem Description
- A company intends to select a small set of customers to distribute praises of their trial products to a larger group
Influence maximization
- Goal: Identify a small subset of seed nodes that have the best chance to influence the most number of nodes
- Competitive Influence Maximization (CIM)
- Influence is exclusive (Once a node is influenced by one party, it will not be influenced again)
- Each round all parties choose one node and then the influence propagates before the next round starts
STORM (STrategy-Oriented Reinforcement-Learning based influence Maximization) performs
- Data Generation
- the data, which is the experience generated through simulation by applying the current model, will become the feedbacks to refine the model for better performance
- Model Learning
- Data Generation
Difference with Others
- Known strategy → Both know and unknown
- Known or Unknown but available to compete → Train a model to learn strategy
- Unknown → Game-theoretical solution to seek the Nash equilibrium
- Single-roung → Multi-round
- Model driven → learning-based, data-drivern
- Not considering different network topology → General to adapt both opponent's strategy and environment setting (e.g. underlying network topology)
2. Problem Statement
Def 1: Competitive Linear Threshold (CLT)
- CLT model is a multi-party diffusion model
- The party who has the highest influence occupied the node
Def 2: Multi-Round Competitive Influence Maximization (MRCIM)
- Max its overall relative influence
4. Methodology
- NP-hardness of MRCIM → looks for approxmiate solution
- Max the inflence for each round does not guarantee overall max
- Due to the fact that each round are not independent
4.1 Preliminary: Reinforcement Learning
- Learn a policy \(\pi(s)\) to determine which action to take state s (environment)
- How to estimated \(\pi\)?
- Expected Accmulated Reward of a state (V function)
- \( V^\pi(s) = E_\pi\{R_t|S_t=s\}=...\)
- Expected Accmulated Reward of a state-action pair (Q function)
- \( Q^\pi(s, a) = E_\pi\{R_t|S_t=s, a_t=a\}=...\)
- Expected Accmulated Reward of a state (V function)
The optimal \(\pi\) can be obtained through Q functinon
\( \pi = \arg \min_{a\in A}Q(s,a)\)
(i.e. For all "a" in A, find the "a" such that min Q(s, a))
4.2 Strategy-Oriented Reinforcement-Learning
- Env
- Influence propagation process
- Reward
- Delay Reward: The difference of activated nodes between parties at the last round
- After the last round, rewards are propagated to the previous states through Q-function updating
- Slow but more accurate
- Delay Reward: The difference of activated nodes between parties at the last round
- Action
Choosing certain node to activate- too many
- overfit
- Single Party IM strategies
- Namely, which strategy to choose given the current state
- The size can be reduced to strategies chosen
- Chosen Strategies
- sub-greedy
- degree-first
- block
- max-weight
- State
- Represents
- network
- environment status
record the occupation status of all nodes- \(3^{|V|}\), too many
- overfit
- Features Designed
- Number of free nodes
- Sum of degrees of all nodes
- Sum of weight of the edges for which bot h vertices are free
- Max degree among all free nodes
- Max sum of free out-edge weight of a node among nodes which are the first player's neighbors
- Second player's
- Max activated nodes of a node for the first player alter two rounds of influence propagation
- Second player's
- The features are quantize into
- low
- medium
- high
- Totally, \(3^9\) states
- Represents
Data For Training
- Propagation model is known (e.g. LT in the experiments)
- Strategies served as actions are predefined
In training phase, train the agent against a certain strategy and see how it performs on the given network
These data can be used to learn the value functions
Training Against Opponents
- Opponent Strategy
- Known: Simulate the strategy during training
- Unknown but available during training: Same as above
- Unknown: More General Model in 4.4
- Phase 1: Training
- The agent update its Q function from the simulation experiences throughout the training rounds
- Update \(\pi\) in the meantime
- Phase 2: Competition
- The agent would not update Q-table
- Generates \(\pi\) according to Q-table
4.3 STORM with Strategy Known
- Training the model compete against the strategy to learn \(\pi\)
- Update Q-function following the concept of Q-learning
- Q-Learning: \(Q(S_t, a_t) = Q(S_t, a_t) + \alpha * (r_{t+1} + \gamma * max_{a}Q(S_{t+1}, a) -Q(S_t, a_t))\)
- \(\epsilon\)-greedy
- Determine strategies on the current policy derived from Q-table.
- Explore the new directions to avoid local optimum
- Pure Strategy
- The most likely strategy is chosen
- Update Q-function following the concept of Q-learning
$ Algorithm $
4.4 STORM with Strategy Unknown
Unknown but available to train
- The difference between the known case is that experience cannot be obtained through simulation
- Train against unknown opponent's strategy during competition
- It's feasible because STORM-Q only needs to know the seed-selection outcoms of the opponent to update the Q-table, not exact strategy it takes
- Goal: Create a general model to compete a variety of rational strategies
- Assumption: The oppoent is rational (Wants to max influence and knows its oppoent wants so)
- Two STROM-Q compete and update Q-tabale at the same time
- Using current Q-table during training phase
- Pure Strategy
- Does Not guarantee that equilibrium exists in MRCIM
- Mix Strategy (Samples an action from the distribution of actions in each state)
- In two-player zero-sum game
- Nash equilibrium is graranteed to exist with miexed strategies
- Use MINMAX theorem to find the equilibrium
- \(Q(s, a, o)\): The reward of first party when using strategy \(a\) against oppoent's strategy \(o\) in state \(s\)
- \(Q_{t+1}(s_t, a_t, o_t) = (1-\alpha)Q_t(s_t, a_t, o_t)+\alpha[r_{t+1}+\gamma V(s_{t+1})]\)
- Operations Research
The difference between STROM-QQ and STORM-MM
Max the reward in their own Q-table | Finds equilibrium with one Q-table and determines both side's \(a\) at the same time |
Pure Strategies | Mixed Strategies |
Choose strategy by greedy | Samples from the mixed strategy \(\pi_a\) or \(\pi_o\) |
- Ideally, they should have similar result in two-party MRCIM. In practice, the result might not due to
- STORM-QQ does not guarantee equilibrium
- Although equilibrium exists in STORM-MM. It does not guarantee to be found due to lack of training data or bad init or such problems.