Scrollable RISE

Category Tech

RISE 是一套結合jupyter-notebookreveal.js 的專案
讓我們能在 jupyter notebook 直接開啟如同 reveal.js 的 slide

不過如過 notebook cell 中的內容太長
而 RISE 預設是無法用滑鼠滾動的
所以這裡記錄該如何讓 RISE 可以滾動

進入 jupyter notebook 的任一個 notebook 後
在上方工具列點選 EditEdit Notebook Metadata
接著在裡面加入 livereveal 的設定
如下 (只需加入 livereveal 的部分)

    "kernelspec": {
    "livereveal": {
        "scroll": true


damianavila commented on Jul 12
After several and long discussions with a lot of people, we have arrived to the conclusion that scrolling on reveal.js based slideshows brings more problems than benefits, so I will not add the scrolling as a default option BUT we should clearly document how to get scrolling slides with the config option available. I will mark this as a docs issue and prioritize properly.

