Practical Vim

Category Tech

每天一回一回的看,終於把Practical Vim看完了
不過到了後期,大部分就真的都看不太懂了= =
所以大多還是只記錄了前期我比較看得懂的一些 tip

Ch1: The Vim Way

Tip2: Don't Repeat Yourself

  • . command: Repeat the last change
    • Command in normal mode
    • The insert mode between two normal mode

Repeatable action and how to repeat them

Intent Act Repeat Reverse
Make a change {edit} . u
Scan line for next character f{char}/t{char} ; ,
Scan line for previous character F{char}/T{char} ; ,
Scan document for next match /pattern<CR> n N
Scan document for previous match ?pattern<CR> n N
Perform substitution :s/target/replacement & u
Execute a sequence of changes qx{changes}q @x u

Ch2: Normal Mode

Tip10: Use Counts to Do Simple Arithmetic

  • <C-a>: Add number
  • <C-x>: Sub number
  • What if the cursor is not on a number?
    • Operate on the number after the cursor

Combine and Conquer

  • Operator + Motion = Action
  • When an operator command is invoked in duplicate, it acts upon the current line (e.g. dd)
Trigger Effect
c Change
d Delete
y Yank into register
g! Swap case
gu Make lowercase
gU Make uppercase
> Shift right
< Shift left
= Autoindent

Ch3: Insert Mode

Tip13: Make Corrections Instantly from Insert Mode

If we make a mistake while composing text in Insert mode, we can fix it immediately

Keystrokes Effect
<C-h> Delete back one character(backspace)
<C-w> Delete back one word
<C-u> Delete back to start of line

The keystrokes above can also be used in bash shell

Tip14: Get Back to Normal Mode

<C-o> Switch to Insert Normal mode

Tip15: Paste from a Register Without Leaving Insert Mode

<C-r>0: Paste the text that we just yanked at the current cursor position

Tip19: Overwrite Existing Text with Replace Mode

R: Enter replace mode

Ch5: Command-Line Mode

Tip28: Execute a Command on One or More Consecutive Lines

  • range
    • :{start, end}: from line "start" to line "end"
    • .: current line
    • %: all lines

Tip31: Repeat the Last Ex Commands

@:: Repeat the last Ex command

Tip32: Tab-Complete Your Ex Commands

<C-d>: Reveal a list of possible completions

Tip33: Insert the Current Word at the Command Prompt

<C-r><C-w>: Get the word under cursor in Ex mode

Ch8: Navigate Inside Files with Motions

This chapter is extremely practical

Ch9: Navigate Between Files with Jumps

Tip55: Travel the Jump List

Command Effect
[count]G Jump to line number
//pattern<CR>/?pattern<CR>/n/N Jump to next/previous occurrence of pattern
% Jump to matching parenthesis
(/) Jump to start of previous/next sentence
{/} Jump to start of previous/next paragraph
H/M/L Jump to top/middle/bottom of screen
gf Jump to file name under the cursor
<C-]> Jump to definition of keyword under the cursor
/ Jump to a mark

Ch12: Matching Patterns and Literals

Tip74: Use the \V Literal Switch for Verbatim Searches

Put \V before words when searching can cancel regular expression

Tip81: Preview the First Match Before Execution

Use <C-r> <C-w> to autocomplete when searching


Tip88: Find and Replace Every Match in a File
